Students in year 6 are offered the opportunity to participate in the interschool sport program. Year 5 students may also be invited depending on Townsville School Sport (TSS) guidelines. It is deemed a privilege to be a school representative. Parents must give consent for students to participate and be willing to pay a fee. Teacher skills and expertise determine which interschool sports our students participate in and sports may vary from year to year. Students who are not involved in interschool sport are supervised by remaining year 6 teachers.
Sports Policy
Oonoonba State School encourages maximum representation and participation in interschool sports. Due to limited spaces, not all students who nominate for a sport will be selected. When this occurs a selection process is undertaken by teaching staff. Normally year 6 students are given preference over younger students who will get another chance the following year.
Criteria for being selected to participate in Interschool Sport
- Demonstrated responsibility at all times (even when not under direct teacher supervision).
- Willingly take and follow directions without questioning.
- Trustworthy and accountable for own actions towards others and the environment.
- Parents permission to travel and participate and all fees paid by due date.
- Regularly attend training sessions.
- Appropriate and acceptable behaviour both in the classroom and the playground.
- Respect both coach and other team members.
- Ability to play by the rules of the sport in which they are taking part. (Never arguing with an umpire’s decision or losing control of their temper during play – showing good sportsmanship).
Parents are welcome to attend and must adhere to the Townsville School Sport Code of Conduct.
Sports houses
On enrolment at the school all students are allocated to one of our sporting houses - Kokoda, Jezzine, Lavarack or Tobruk. This is for interhouse competitions in athletics and swimming. These allocations remain the same throughout your child's time at the school. Families will be allocated to the same house.
Sports Captains
LAVARACK Oliver Morris + Harlen Marshall
TOBRUK Kai Coombs + Lincoln Wilson
JEZZINE Logan Tana-Forward + Annabelle Rollinson
KOKODA Layla Brown + Cooper Sharp