Oonoonba State School is a caring and supportive environment for all staff, parents and students. We understand that for our students to be successful we need to be a successful staff, successful community and successful school.
Our belief is that 'our students are worth whatever it takes'. (Rogers)

Our diverse community consists of 19.7% students with a disability, 13.5% Indigenous students, 9.3% Students from Defence families.
All students are provided with differentiated learning to meet their needs academically, socially, emotionally, and physically so that they will be successful.
Our Positive Behaviour for Learning Expectations, Safe, Respectful, Resilient, Successful, set the framework for every day practice.
In 2020 The Resilience Project was introduced to assist students to learn important skills to be resilient to participate in a safe environment.
Parents are encouraged to be involved in every facet of school life and are invited to participate in Positive Partnership Meetings twice yearly where they will set goals with the teacher and their child. Parents are also welcome to assist in a range of classroom activities including curriculum activities, end of unit celebrations of the learning, and excursions, P & C tuckshop and other fundraising activities, weekly parades, homework interaction, education sessions, music and dance presentations.