
Enrolling at our school


Oonoonba State School is enrolment managed. An enrolment management strategy allows student numbers to grow at a reasonable pace allowing resources and buildings to adequately cater for the student numbers.

As a result of the enrolment management strategy new enrolments can only be automatically accepted from families who reside within the zone. The catchment area of the zone includes the suburbs of Oonoonba, Idalia (including Fairfield Waters), Cluden, Annandale Gardens and parts of Annandale. Proof of residency is required in the form of an electricity account, driver’s licence or an official document which confirms your address. Please refer to the catchment, available via the school website, to confirm your eligibility.  If outside of the catchment a waiting list applies.

All students enrolling must participate in an enrolment interview with either the principal or Deputy and sign enrolment agreements which gives parents and students an opportunity to find out information about the school as well as ask questions about the school.


Download the Department's:  

Application for Student Enrolment Form (PDF, 1018KB).

Additional Enrolment Documents

The following documents form part of our enrolment package and should be completed prior to the enrolment interview.

Please ensure you print all of these forms.

Oonoonba State School Enrolment Agreement.pdf

Internet Access Agreement Form.pdf

Oonoonba State School Consent Form.pdf

Additional Enrolment Information.pdf 

Last reviewed 28 March 2024
Last updated 28 March 2024