



Each school has a homework policy, developed in consultation with the school community.

Homework provides students with opportunities to consolidate their classroom learning, pattern behaviour for lifelong learning beyond the classroom and involve family members in their learning.  The setting of homework takes into account the need for students to have a balanced lifestyle.  This includes sufficient time for family, recreation, cultural pursuits and employment where appropriate.

The Oonoonba State School's homework program is an integral part of the learning and teaching process and as such it aims to:

  • Reinforce student learning
  • Encourage students to take responsibility for their own learning and time management
  • Develop sound work and study habits
  • Encourage self discipline and organisation
  • Promote independence and resourcefulness
  • Raise parent awareness of school work programs
  • Provide opportunity for parents and children to share learning.

Broad Guidelines

To ensure that homework results in successful learning outcomes for students, the following principles must be addressed.

  • The school's homework policy will be actively and positively promoted and implemented by all teaching staff.
  • Teachers will provide meaningful feedback on homework to students and parents.
  • Homework will be designed to foster a genuine partnership between students, parents and teachers.
  • Teacher expectations will be clearly communicated to students and parents.
  • The home circumstances of the child will be considered to ensure that homework is designed to accommodate family constraints.
  • Homework will be graded to meet the needs and abilities of individual students.
  • Homework activities will be varied and designed to motivate students.
  • Homework will be purposeful and relevant.


Homework may include any of the following assigned activities:

  • Reading
  • Learning tasks – spelling, number facts
  • Research work – projects, assignments, internet
  • Activity sheets (in a range of curriculum areas)
  • Completing unfinished work
  • Practising work introduced at school
  • Preparing for forthcoming classroom learning (collecting relevant materials, items, information).

Recommended Time Allocation

Prep – Year 3

Up to 15 minutes a day is preferable / not more than an hour each week

Middle Primary (Years 4 – 5)

Up to 20 minutes a day or 1 hour 20 mins per week / not more than 2-3 hours each week

Upper Primary (Year 6)

Up to 30 minutes a day or 2 hours per week / not more than 3-4 hours each week

Daily / Weekly

Teacher discretion will determine whether homework will be set on a daily or weekly basis.

Weekly homework contracts provide opportunity for students to plan around personal and family commitments.

Daily homework task serves a purpose in that it responds to children's needs as identified in the course of the day's learning and teaching program.



  • set homework which is stimulating and appropriate to the abilities and needs of learners
  • review / mark homework on completion and provide feedback
  • monitor student progress
  • involve support staff in planning homework for students with learning difficulties
  • communicate teacher expectations to students and parents
  • provide meaningful feedback on homework to students and parents
  • negotiate consequences for non-completion of homework
  • inform parents of children who repeatedly fail to complete homework tasks
  • promote homework as a medium for learning not a punishment


  • complete set homework to the best of their ability
  • submit homework by due date
  • seek teacher guidance as required
  • accept consequences for repeated non-completion of set homework


  • establish a set homework routine (time / place) with the child
  • display positive attitude towards homework
  • praise child for effort and quality work
  • communicate homework issues with class teacher
  • encourage children to complete and submit homework tasks by due date
  • respond to teacher concern regarding homework
  • provide written authority requesting children's exclusion from homework

Support Teacher Literacy and Numeracy (STLaN)

  • collaboratively develop homework programs for learners with special needs as requested by class teacher
  • provide ongoing support for teachers and students and parent


  • encourage and support effective learning and teaching
  • monitor class homework programs
  • initiate periodical reviews of homework policy
  • respond to teacher and parent concerns regarding homework

Homework Reading Program

Reading is seen as an important language and communication skill in its own right and as such contributes to learning in all curriculum areas.  It is the passport to knowledge and to the world of literature.

Home reading is seen as a purposeful homework activity which leads to the ongoing development of children's reading skills.

Reading Resources

Class Library…….….……… A range of selected reading programs

School Library…………….. Appropriate fiction and non-fiction for student borrowing

Learning Support……….. A range of appropriate resources for students with special needs

Public Library……………… Appropriate fiction and non-fiction books available for borrowing



  • encourage home reading by students
  • implement formal take home reading program
  • communicate expectations with students and parents
  • develop sound management practices to minimise loss / damage to valuable reading resources
  • provide meaningful feedback to children and parents on children's reading progress


  • share reading experiences with family
  • years P – 3 read to a parent every night
  • return books on completion
  • care for reading resources whilst on loan


  • display positive attitude towards reading
  • encourage child to read by showing interest in children's reading
  • encourage child to care for reading resource
  • ensure that books are returned to school when the child has completed reading
  • communicate with teacher issues associated with home reading
  • contribute to the cost of replacement of books which have been lost or maliciously damaged
  • see teachers for strategies to help children


  • support home reading program
  • endorse teacher action in the management of home reading resources




Last reviewed 18 January 2021
Last updated 18 January 2021